The American identity and American culture are both things we've been slowly losing over the last few years. Cultural Marxism is of course responsible for this, but society is slowly waking up. What if we use that momentum to promote the creative mind and the individual? Much like the European Renaissance centuries ago where art, architecture, and culture evolved in such beautiful ways, we could do the same thing here. We could bring America to heights previously unthinkable. I believe that Trump's education plan proposed shortly before the sniffster took over is a great first step to achieving this:
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Make that Global....
You're right, think of all the ideas and cultures being stifled right now in ways much worse than America's. Humanity is capable of so much more.
It's what G/NESARA is promising, if ever there was a time and set of circumstances that would enable it or something close to it, it is now.
With the Khazars removed from influence, there is a path to truly a better world.
Plus the release of all the Tesla discoveries that will benefit all mankind: free energy, anti-gravitics, med beds, etc that will free the planet from cabal-based enslavement tech.