posted ago by Martha1776 ago by Martha1776 +210 / -0

Took my daughter to get her hair done for her birthday, my stylist is a friend and I’ve talked seriously with her about everything I’ve learned and sent her information. We also go to the same church and were discussing masks and our husbands planning to go face free. Another stylist and customer in with us got in the conversation about “vaccine” the passports and everything else. Not to make this too long, the customer has gotten the “vaccine” because she works in the medical field and needs to fly, she figured she would be forced anyway and she would take the risk. She says no way on the shot for her kids 10 & 12, they both knew something was off. They can feel things are not good and the other stylists is saying she believes that the Republicans will never win office again. The customer says “whats up with the kids on the border, are they being trafficked?”. Stylist says something along the lines of “there is something with Hollywood, I don’t know what it is. It’s money, they are involved, I just don’t know, it’s not good” . They both have the feeling they are trying to sterilize people with the vaccines, these woman had never heard anything about Q. “Who is Q”, I just smiled! I tried to find the right way to not sound crazy, I said don’t believe anything about “Qanon” just know it’s all about research and find the info for yourself. I said start with plan to save the world, I told them look at agenda 2030, ID 2020, WEC, the great reset... everything I could think of. I said put it all together and think about it. I also mentioned Marina Ambrovich, Podesta’s a few others but they said they wouldn’t remember everything. So plan to save the world. I said I trust Trump, and I can feel good things coming even though it’s scary, I said I won’t give up till they drag me off to a fema camp. I really believe there are those waking up, I feel better than I have in awhile!