It's important to be aware of the narrative that is being pushed. This story is blaming evangelical Christians for the continued lockdowns, etc, related to covid. Basically, "if only evangelical Christians would get the vacinne, we could open up everything and get back to normal life." The opposition is playing the long game and we need to recognize it and think longterm also. Their next few steps may be to ramp up the propaganda against Christians and then start pushing to remove Christians from society, for the benefit of everyone else, like moving us into camps. This is history repeating itself as this was how the holocaust was perpetrated against Jews.
It's important to be aware of the narrative that is being pushed. This story is blaming evangelical Christians for the continued lockdowns, etc, related to covid. Basically, "if only evangelical Christians would get the vacinne, we could open up everything and get back to normal life." The opposition is playing the long game and we need to recognize it and think longterm also. Their next few steps may be to ramp up the propaganda against Christians and then start pushing to remove Christians from society, for the benefit of everyone else, like moving us into camps. This is history repeating itself as this was how the holocaust was perpetrated against Jews.