After 25 or 30 bloodbaths, which they will have on their hands, the psychos will once again remember...shall NOT be infringed. The tree of liberty is thirsty my friends....the blood of Tyrants and Patriots alike will be needed to refill her....especially if they come for the guns. My GOD! What kind of fools call people bad names for 5 years and then demand they can't defend themselves? Who, on this earth, is stupid enough to cower to this obvious genocidal setup?
After 25 or 30 bloodbaths, which they will have on their hands, the psychos will once again remember...shall NOT be infringed. The tree of liberty is thirsty my friends....the blood of Tyrants and Patriots alike will be needed to refill her....especially if they come for the guns. My GOD! What kind of fools call people bad names for 5 years and then demand they can't defend themselves? Who, on this earth, is stupid enough to cower to this obvious genocidal setup?