47 Market Crash is inevitable (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by ClemTiger 3 years ago by ClemTiger +47 / -0 52 comments download share 52 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This market is going to fall harder than Bidan going up steps!!
Banks and Hedge funds getting crushed! $GME, $AMC and silver shorts are going to kill them!
And it's the naked shorts that will really do the damage. There is almost NO silver for all those silver certificates.
"We need to fix our financial system. The only way is an implosion of the USD."
-Or the patriots take over the dollar, and save it. (Have you forgotten about the stories concerning the Fed being taken over by the treasury?)
How about a couple of chinese family hedgefunds a la archegos....ARCH EGO S
Or how to build up a massive portfolio of 100 billion dollars with nothing to show for it.