For those asking for the ivermectin protocol. Adding from second page:
Example for a person of 60 kg body weight: 60 kg × 0.2 mg = 12 mg (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) = 4 tablets (3mg/tablet). To convert pounds, divide weight in
pounds by 11: example for a person of 165 pounds: 165 11 = 15 mg
** The dosing may be updated as further scientific studies emerge.
*** To use if a household member is COVID-19 positive, or if you have had prolonged exposure to a COVID-19+ patient without wearing a mask
**** For late phase – hospitalized patients – see the FLCCC’s “MATH+” protocol on
Try to up your D3 even more, depending on the sun you get. Our “recommended” amount is too low. Especially if you have Covid and getting little sun, try to take up to 20k IU
I took 4 tablets once a day for 2 days along with zinc & vitamin D. Wasn’t easy on the stomach but I had a high fever and I was back to normal in less than a week
We purchased the apple flavored "Durvet" brand. It shows horse on the outside.
Says Net Wt. 0.21 oz or 6.08 g. This is what a discussion on this board talked about couple of months ago and so I made sure I had everything the protocol called for. May never need it but if someone does then we will have it.
Example for a person of 60 kg body weight: 60 kg × 0.2 mg = 12 mg (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) = 4 tablets (3mg/tablet). To convert pounds, divide weight in
pounds by 11: example for a person of 165 pounds: 165 11 = 15 mg
** The dosing may be updated as further scientific studies emerge.
*** To use if a household member is COVID-19 positive, or if you have had prolonged exposure to a COVID-19+ patient without wearing a mask
**** For late phase – hospitalized patients – see the FLCCC’s “MATH+” protocol on
I own some bentonite clay but after I bought it I received an email that said it was recalled because it could be radioactive?? I haven’t used it, bought it years ago.
Because it is made for large animal doses, the Ivermectin may not be evenly dispersed. You could be getting none or way too much.
It's pretty safe at high doses, but still not good to OD. First symptom is usually foggy vision (like when you've been in a swimming pool with your eyes open).
If using veterinary products the best way to take it is to buy the 500ml bottle of liquid injectable, measure out a dose and squirt it into a drink or on food.
It is more efficacious with fatty foods or alcohol. I think alcohol increases the absorption by something like 4x, so keep that in mind.
Once you get a bottle of the liquid, you can measure it out with a syringe. I use an 18 gauge needle and a 3ml syringe. It's very simple to calculate.
.10ml per 10lbs of body weight. So if you weigh 150lbs, you take 1.5ml of liquid injectable ivermectin.
Keep everything sterile so as not to contaminate the liquid. It should last you a very long time.
I would go to the website shown above. They have pages of facts on this and the studies done, also question and answer page.
I want to add that this is a safety net for us just in case our area doctors would not prescribe the Hydroxychloroquine. I have never had the flu or taken the shot but I
do have asthma so if I were to come down with it, like I said this was a safety net.
For those asking for the ivermectin protocol. Adding from second page:
Try to up your D3 even more, depending on the sun you get. Our “recommended” amount is too low. Especially if you have Covid and getting little sun, try to take up to 20k IU
Eliminate all wheat from your diet and your vit D3 levels will rise much, much easier.
I took 4 tablets once a day for 2 days along with zinc & vitamin D. Wasn’t easy on the stomach but I had a high fever and I was back to normal in less than a week
Ive had horses most of my life. Same stuff i would buy for them?
We purchased the apple flavored "Durvet" brand. It shows horse on the outside. Says Net Wt. 0.21 oz or 6.08 g. This is what a discussion on this board talked about couple of months ago and so I made sure I had everything the protocol called for. May never need it but if someone does then we will have it.
Yes. But a relatively tiny amount.
We used to give it to all the animals.just a little lick for the dogs and goats.
Thank you for this!!
I see the notation of .2mg/kg per dose for ivermectin. How would you figure out how much that was?
This is an example I found (after reading someone's more specific detail below)
From the second page:
Ok, this comes in paste form so I guess it would be easiest to figure if I find tablet form
Thank you
Bless you, kind sir.
I’m concerned about diarrhea, is that a problem with this horse wormer?
The best thing I've seen for diarrhea is liquid bentonite clay.
Works for nausea, too.
Put a tablespoon or so in a small glass of water and get it down.
Coats the irritant and stops the upset tummy.
I use Great Plains.
Should be in everyone's medicine cabinet.
I own some bentonite clay but after I bought it I received an email that said it was recalled because it could be radioactive?? I haven’t used it, bought it years ago.
This is gold! Thanks
Listen up everyone who wants to take the paste:
Because it is made for large animal doses, the Ivermectin may not be evenly dispersed. You could be getting none or way too much.
It's pretty safe at high doses, but still not good to OD. First symptom is usually foggy vision (like when you've been in a swimming pool with your eyes open).
If using veterinary products the best way to take it is to buy the 500ml bottle of liquid injectable, measure out a dose and squirt it into a drink or on food.
It is more efficacious with fatty foods or alcohol. I think alcohol increases the absorption by something like 4x, so keep that in mind.
Once you get a bottle of the liquid, you can measure it out with a syringe. I use an 18 gauge needle and a 3ml syringe. It's very simple to calculate.
.10ml per 10lbs of body weight. So if you weigh 150lbs, you take 1.5ml of liquid injectable ivermectin.
Keep everything sterile so as not to contaminate the liquid. It should last you a very long time.
Does the melatonin actually do something to help, or is it just to get a good nights rest for recovery?
I would go to the website shown above. They have pages of facts on this and the studies done, also question and answer page.
I want to add that this is a safety net for us just in case our area doctors would not prescribe the Hydroxychloroquine. I have never had the flu or taken the shot but I do have asthma so if I were to come down with it, like I said this was a safety net.