Mike Flynn endorsing AJ: https://t.me/QNewsOfficialTV/19983
https://www.newsweek.com/alex-jones-qanon-rant-viral-infowars-1560394 "I will not suffer your Q people after this," Jones said as he pointed directly into the camera. "I knew what you were day one, I know what you are now, and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of all these witches and warlocks and pumpkin popsomes."
Jones gets to the point where he breaks his character and bursts into laughter, putting his head in his hand. He then says: "Bye-bye Q, I can't talk to you anymore. Jesus, lord help me."
A lot of people think Q is a LARP, but are still open to many of our ideas about the world's power structures. AJ may be an attempt to capture that audience.
Better put than my attempt fren