BREAKING: Georgia Governor Tells Cops To Stop Enforcing COVID-19 Business Violations
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I do wonder to what degree Kemp has full agency. After Deal was assassinated in broad daylight you have to suspect there was some immense pressure on him.
I track him as an unknown as far as his motives and loyalties.
Given the fact that Deal was reportedly dating his daughter, I tend to agree with you. DS sent a message and Kemp received it loud and clear. I hate what he did and I won't vote for him again, but I can't begin to know what it was like to walk in his shoes during the election fraud scandal...I'd die for my children and do what I had to if their lives were threatened. He's been stand up when it comes to Covid, mask mandates, vaccines, etc. Still won't vote for him, but I do have empathy.
Same here, buddy. If he hadn’t danced with the devil, he probably would not have been in this mess to begin with. He had a solid start being the conservative we all wanted him to be. He even received President Trump’s endorsement. I went to his rally, and he seemed decent. Oh well, primaries it is! Hope Doug Collins runs for Governor. He did GREAT as my Rep!
Either Doug Collins or Vernon Jones ... would be happy with either as the next Governor.
Kemp never made a mask mandate and opened up businesses well before most other states and got a lot of flack about it. Still seems shady concerning election territory and on top of that Chinese business dealings.