will these "parents" accept responsibility for this child when it becomes an adult and realizes it never knew what it wanted for itself? and then has severe emotional and mental damage as an adult?
I wouldn't give a bus token for the miserable life this child is going to live in the future. And the slight speech impediment the kid has might point to something else going on there. The parents in that video are so woke (i.e., stupid) that they cannot see their child's "path" is going to be a bleak, unhappy one.
You can tell that the majority of people aren’t buying this crap because they turn off the comments.
Yeah the like/dislike ratio also reminds me of Biden's WH videos. I wonder how many dislikes they've removed from this one.
This type of psychological warfare against children is a sign of how low they will go.
Social engineering
will these "parents" accept responsibility for this child when it becomes an adult and realizes it never knew what it wanted for itself? and then has severe emotional and mental damage as an adult?
sick people creating the next generation of sick people... hopefully the genepool ends there.
I wouldn't give a bus token for the miserable life this child is going to live in the future. And the slight speech impediment the kid has might point to something else going on there. The parents in that video are so woke (i.e., stupid) that they cannot see their child's "path" is going to be a bleak, unhappy one.