I'm not sure, that was the first time i've seen that. I still don't know about these secret arrests. Seems like you would want to be transparent in things like that to gain the trust of the people.
Q said a number of times...it’s not enuff to tell the people...you have to show them. This is what we are experiencing now...which is so excruciating for those of us whose eyes have been opened, it’s not enuff yet. I mean my brother and kids are still drinking the kool aide, refuse to even examine evidence that goes against the left narrative...frustrating. But all that said, when Killiary or Barry or even Soros are arrested are really unimportant; as they are just lackeys of the bloodlines that own/control the central banking systems of all but 7 countries (or 8 if we have indeed subsumed the Fed into the US Treasury). What is important is that we throw off the reins of these fuckers which control the world’s wealth and reduced our lives to serfdom. The waiting is the hardest part. Truly these are biblical times...
We have to trust Q. Q has said HRC is in custody, I believe it. The cabal rolls out a body double once in a while to keep the people placated but it's bullshit and they know it.
I'm not sure, that was the first time i've seen that. I still don't know about these secret arrests. Seems like you would want to be transparent in things like that to gain the trust of the people.
Q said a number of times...it’s not enuff to tell the people...you have to show them. This is what we are experiencing now...which is so excruciating for those of us whose eyes have been opened, it’s not enuff yet. I mean my brother and kids are still drinking the kool aide, refuse to even examine evidence that goes against the left narrative...frustrating. But all that said, when Killiary or Barry or even Soros are arrested are really unimportant; as they are just lackeys of the bloodlines that own/control the central banking systems of all but 7 countries (or 8 if we have indeed subsumed the Fed into the US Treasury). What is important is that we throw off the reins of these fuckers which control the world’s wealth and reduced our lives to serfdom. The waiting is the hardest part. Truly these are biblical times...
We have to trust Q. Q has said HRC is in custody, I believe it. The cabal rolls out a body double once in a while to keep the people placated but it's bullshit and they know it.