Veteran hopium
I was thinking about things, and was wondering what American military vets are thinking and planning to do when things finally hit a breaking point? Such as gun confiscation or forced vax.
The left may have written the communist takeover playbook, but lots of our vets have lived out the killing commies and terrorists actual life playbook. And put their lives on the line for it.
Some of us are quietly marking Time, we hope Trump and 'Q' really do have that Plan, we hope we do not have to stage that Revolution, but millions of us are prepared to die standing.
A line from an old Wishbone Ash song that goes back to about 1970, titled 'Warrior' ... 'I'd have to be a Warrior, a slave I could not be'. That kinda sums it up for me, for others I've spoken with at the VFW Lodge or American Legion Post.
Many of us recognize that our government is corrupt and we have little faith it can be honest or Just. We will not be cowed into slavery, if Trump/Q cannot Stop the Steal we fight. We may have to fight alone, ok no problem, or we may coalesce into large militias and lay siege on the government, reclaim government.
But we will not surrender our arms or Freedom. No one will vaccinate me against my will, nor my Family, without first running me out of all available means to resist. Wanna know how to make homemade napalm...? Ask a Vet. Wanna know how to make foogas IEDs or other labombas...? Ask a Vet. Wanna know how to interdict supply lines...? Yep, ask a Vet.
Yeah, we have lost the Freedom and right of voting but we watch closely to see if that is regained, Trump/Q.
If not, we have nothing left to lose, we will not just sit and watch our kids become 'bots. But right now, this particular time period of the next couple months, we still Hope and expect Trump to have that Plan.