posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +43 / -0

I have been playing with this line in my head for a week now, and I'm realising that "you have more than you know" means more than most of us probably thought. Let me try to break this down, because it is still blowing my mind a bit, to be honest.

  • Data/Information - the phrase has always been something associated to data, eg "keep digging/connecting dots, the truth is out there, etc". This is the surface meaning of the phrase and we are probably all familiar with it. We know more than most and have more to find out on our own. That said, its not all it could mean.
  • Power/Influence - despite the push to federal control, the constitution is still the rule of law, one which the military is actively protecting. It has rules, and the more we work within the rules (eg influencing state and local outcomes to reject federal laws regionally), the more power we can secure for ourselves from the state. We own DC, not the other way around. We have the power, even if the government thinks otherwise. Use it lawfully and well.
  • Support - we won the election. You know it, i know it, zorak knows it. Anyone who isnt a partisan cabalist knows it. They know it was stolen (only the blind, dumb, corrupt, or 100% ignorant now can say otherwise). The implications of this to me are obvious, but for now, just think of the numbers backing trump as being a rightful president, and be not afraid.
  • Ways to Win - the trump admin has basically setup a "home alone 2" style entrapment for the remaining thieves of the nation. Everyone is showing how corrupt the cabal are for all to see, and its waking millions up globally. thanks to that, there are dozens of ways to win battles in this war, and all you have to do is be the best version of yourself today that you can be, and take on whatever responsibility you can handle for your community too. Be honest, shout down lies, and keep holding the line (apply political pressure to businesses and politicians).

There is a lot of light shining, now most (if not all) that the major scares have landed. All you have to do is look.