I was scrolling through some Q posts and came across post #4926
Also came across post 4951
Nothing can stop what is coming.
I feel the Great awakening is going to begin, a red wave is coming come 2022 and 24. First things first though, we need to take care of this fraudulent election and start the trials for treason and crimes against humanity for all of the politicians who have betrayed this country. Why is the capitol still militarized? Surely every time they said "we" were planning to storm the capitol narrative, it failed for them. What are they afraid of? Why don't they want us to see what's happening? Why won't the media show us what's going on at the border. I'll tell you why. They're guilty.
They're guilty of human trafficking, pedophilia, treason, and several crimes against humanity. Again, nothing can stop what is coming. NOTHING.
On an unrelated note, has anyone caught a golden trout? They're native to CA, and they're beautiful looking fish. Only native trout here in CT are browns, brooks, rainbows, and tigers, as well as Atlantic salmon. However, there was a time in the 80s and early 90s (before my time) where they stocked a couple gold ones
Everyone who wants to know what Q is has known for years. Paul Valleley spilled the beans ages ago. Anyone who has read all the Q drops can see it’s not just one person. The voice changes slightly but noticeably often.
If it was Ron Watkins, how did he get someone driving in the Trump motorcade to honk Q on command? Is he also a Trump speech writer?
You have not read the Q drops. It’s obvious.
Why do you let HBO dictate truth? Read them. Then decide.
It’s message traffic format. Standard military formatting. The goal being transmit the maximum amount of information with the least amount of characters for satellite or other bandwidth limited devices.
And the vagueness, if this is all true, is intentional. It would be total declassification of many theoretically classified things.
They don’t want people with critical thinking skills reading the Q drops. Because once you figure it out, you figure it out.