Had the day off so I decided to make a trip to the local nursery to pick up some tomato and pepper plants for the veggie garden. Beautiful day....sunny and cool, light breeze...not a cloud in the sky. I'm outside checking out all the plants and the nursery is fairly busy for a Thursday morning. What do I notice.....every friggin person had a mask on. Denying themselves of the fresh Spring air...sauntering around like automatons. Everyone but me. Later, as I was checking out, the guy at the register looks up and mutters "I see someone hasn't drank the Kool-Aid". Of course, he had a mask on....mandatory for workers. Pathetic.
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I stopped at a popular local bbq chain restaurant in Martin County Florida for takeout. No "Masks Required" sign on doors, not a single diner (approx. 15) wearing a mask...including our Asst Sheriff. Wait help had masks on when they were out from behind the counter. I got a beer while waiting for my order and discussed masks with my server, who said "the owner still hasnt given up his fear yet so we have to put them on when were around customers." I said, "they're the same thing as putting up chain link fences to keep the mosquitos away." 4 elder people within earshot heard me and reacted with grins and thumbs-up!