The flood of illegals, the big baseball game in Texas, the states opening back up, it's all adding up to people realizing that it's a stupid scam.
Tennessee hasn't had a mask mandate for a while, but voluntary compliance was pretty high. Today I noticed a dramatic shift. A local gas station had 8 people in it, 7 maskless and one covidiot. My gym stopped the temperature check at the front door and not a mask in sight. The local grocery store was up to about 50% air breathers.
People might not appreciate how critical this is. Noncompliance removes Bidan's ability to somehow attribute the drop in Covid false positives to his ridiculous double mask and hide under the bed policy. They are completely losing the narrative.
My church got totally cucked with closures, face diapers, social isolation...hadn't been there in a year. Went a couple of weeks ago and was disgusted. I cannot respect a Pastor who does not pry himself away from the MSM lies and honor the Black Robed Regiment. Now going up to Brattleboro where THAT Pastor is wide awake and no face diapers.
I am grateful that my childbearing years were drugging or injecting pregnant women back then and definitely NO self-suffocation. Absolutely evil stuff.
Took us 20 years, and the hubs hadn't gotten to see even one ultrasound. It's been both horrible and a miracle.
I'm a child of a late in life, miracle baby pregnancy whose parent's were almost 40. They had been trying for a long time and gave up hope. Then I came along
I was born 7 months premature, was only 3 lbs and 3 ounces, and was almost born on the Mexican side of the border (my parents were down there figuring they had 2 more months until delivery)
The Mexican hospital wanted to abort because they weren't prepared for that kind of neo-natal. My father drew a line in the sand and made them bring us over to San Diego. I was ultimately born in San Diego at the premiere neo natal facility of it's time.
SIDS ran in my family. I would forget to breathe so I had a breathing monitor for that first year. I was the ultimate high risk pregnancy, and here I am, alive, an only child.
I know it seems like the deck is stacked sometimes, but I wanted to let you know that it is possible and you can do this. I'm proof of it.
Blessings upon your family
Thank you so much! Hopefully I carry to a fuller term but I'd I don't this is one of the best neonatal facilities in the country which is why I put up with the mask. The baby is 28 weeks and already past 3 lbs. She is 2 weeks ahead of growth curve for bones and weight . We are both tall. Hopefully that gives her an edge if we go early though I know it's more about lung development
I wish you a most successful and blessed delivery.
Thank you friend!
You are very welcome!
Mine closed down until may 2020 then opened back up and didn't force face masks and they all got the wuflu together at the same time. Whole church has high end immunity now. LOL. I had whatever was going round in March 2020 anyway so I wasn't too worried.
At the same time, my husband and I stopped going to church because flus high fevers are dangerous for pregnancies and after 20 years we couldn't chance it. I refused the flu shot at my obgyn since they do nothing and actually caused me to have high fevers everytime I got it in my twenties. I got a full court press though. They are pretty adamant about whooping cough too. Not sure if I should get that one or not. Whooping cough is really dangerous for a newborn but I seriously lack trust in all things med now.
There is no safe vaccine. Read "Crooked-Manmade Diseases Explained" by Forrest Maready. His observations are amazing and his anatomy & physiology are spot on. Then look for Dr. Andrew Moulden's writings--what is left of them. I scooped up what I could of Moulden's and would share them via skype(?). Email could possibly work, don't remember how large the files are. The metals in the injections are killing and maiming. The peanut oil, egg, wheat in the injections are creating massive damage and making people terribly allergic to so many things. Let me know.
If anyone lives in southeast mass and can recommend a pediatrician that won't push the normal vax schedule let me know!
I didnt know all so confused on what to do...don't want to put that harmful stuff in us...but I don't want the baby to die from whooping cough either.
I also thought it was better for baby to be exposed to things that cause allergies in the womb like peanuts as it cuts down the likelihood of them getting an allergy to it later..thats what the baby books are saying. So i've been eating natural peanut butter occasionally and nuts. Etc.
Not a bad idea, however, it's the vaccines that make kids allergic--sometimes deathly allergic. You keep yourself healthy, non-pharma supplements....your little one picks up some immunity during his/her delivery. If you breastfeed, even better because the colostrum gives some great immunity to baby. The whole medical program is one hellacious scare campaign. They've made pregnancy and delivery into an industry with THEIR control and intervention. If you are a woman of faith, get closer to our wonderful God and celebrate how wonderfully we are made. If people knew how the medical mafia has been behind most of the calamities to hit humanity--or at least complicit--they'd run far from these ghouls. I think they definitely have a place in emergency/trauma issues but they've become the gatekeepers and will take your child away if you don't follow THEIR orders. It's appalling.
If I were looking for a decent doctor, I'd seriously visit your local chiropractors and see who they might point you to--or who they have some respect for. Chiropractors have been very watered down in recent years so be aware. That's the first place I'd go after the birth of my child.....find one who works on babies and children. IMHO
You might wish to watch this video by Dr. Tent, its eye opening.