Election fraud IS fraud. Based on previous supreme court rulings, everything Biden signs in to law will be null and void. Stop worrying about all these executive orders.
- There is no question of the general doctrine that fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments.
16 Fraud vitiates every thing.
In more recent rulings: https://www.modernghana.com/news/1030775/fraud-vitiates-all-contracts-ghana-judges-kuma.html Lord Denning’s infamous statement in Lazarus Estates Ltd v Beasley: He says, “No court in this land will allow a person to keep an advantage which he has obtained by fraud. No judgment of a court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud unravels everything. The court is careful not to find fraud unless it is distinctly pleaded and proved; but once it is proved, it vitiates judgments, contracts and all transactions whatsoever…”
The Supreme court never allowed Trump's lawyers to distinctly plead or prove the fraud. However I think one day soon it will be distinctly pleaded and proved, all of sleepy Joe's EO's will be wiped clean. Try to maintain your composure during this process, it may feel like the country is being destroyed, it is not going to happen.
Stay safe my frens!!!
I understand that it can, for the most part, be undone. However, how can we reverse the millions of dollars the government is spending on hotels and travel for illegal aliens? How can we undo the hundreds of thousands that will be crossing our border illegally? Once they are here, its a needle in a haystack.
one word.... NESARA
When credit based fiat dollars are evaporated and replaced with PM backed currency-all the debt is a cloud that is drawn upon and replaced with 'payments' is not real and the currency we carry with us is worth 8 cents of 1950s one dollar bill. Then in 20s a 20 dollar gold piece purchased a really good suit-now one ounce of gold buys the same thing. Gold WILL end the Fed..
No, they can be rounded up and deported very easily. If they apply for assistance, we know where they are. If they apply for a job, we know where they are. They can not remain here without some form of income and they have to expose themselves to gain that income.
God I pray this all works in the end. It is becoming more and more difficult to have faith in the plan. I miss our TRUE president. The one who actually gave a fuck about us.
Never waver Patriot. Trump is still President, the DS can fraud all they want but Pedo Joe is nothing but the Placeholder in Chief. The MSM and the Cabal knew the end was coming and had to go all out by cheating the election.
They won't accept that NCSWIC
Do we have proof of that happening? or just insane proposals in the news.
I’m curious about this too. People have been saying that none of Biden’s Executive Orders have appeared in the Federal Register. I wonder if it’s just the MSM making it seem like they’re real.