I think we have to go through the q posts and go line by line translating the germatrix.
Take this q post for example
I put in "Define the ‘known’ action." In this, germatrix.org
Scroll to the simple English translation
The Anti-Christ is Popular Media Complex. (Hollywood, MSM, Television Programming, Social Media, etc.)
They perform wonders and signs, can raise the dead and create all forms of spectacles. They can walk on water, turn water to wine, fly among the stars, perform magic, travel through time, rewrite history, teleport to alternate universes, and even change the meaning of words. They put before us false idols to worship, and most of us fall for it. They tell us who to trust and who is allowed to be our friend and who we are allowed to hate.
They can convince just about anyone of any thing they want.
It is all illusion. False and fake, smoke and lights. Counterfeit imitations of true miracles of God. All playing out on a silver screen. Why see it for yourself when you can just view a curated image of what you're "supposed" to see? If it is on TV, it must be true, right? If it is on the Internet, it must be real, right?
That's not to say all movies, media, technology, and the internet are inherently bad. It's the people behind those tools who would use them as weapons on our minds.
I believe the Anti-Christ is the Popular Media Complex, MSM, Social Media, Hollywood; whatever you want to call it, they all function as one big Legion that sews fear in the minds of the people and daily slanders the Word of God.
Whomever they promote the most on any given day is the one taking their turn on the throne of the Anti-Christ.