Prince Phillip is the Distraction Story. Ammo loaded, ammo spent. They've become PREDICTABLE. It will barely buy them a week. "Look here, not there!" - Ministry of Truth.
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

Are you guys intentionally trying to discredit yourselves? 2018 - Q did not predict the death of the duke in 2018.
What’s wrong with people.. and why is this stupidity stickied?
Why are people sticking threads that have clearly lost the plot from reality.
Some 99 year old dying is not some “sacrifice” or conspiracy.
FML - you’re the one creating a distraction from a non event.
He wasn't the sacrifice, the story was.
He could have died any time in the last 2 months to even a year.
They could hold the story back until they needed a distraction. Once you play the story, you can't play it again, because he can only die once. To just announce his death without using it strategically is a waste of ammo.
Hollywood/MSM has been doing this for years, delaying the stories of the death of a celebrity until they needed to talk about something other than what was currently going on.
This is nothing new.
As for predicting his death, I agree. The date was never set in stone, only that they needed to prepare for his death with tons of articles on his life to flood the MSM front pages.
All these numerology posts on his death day are interesting, but not apart of my theory here.
He died, they delayed the story until it was more advantageous to cover it, and that's about the sum of my claim. They talk about this so they don't have to talk about that. Pawn sacrificed to protect the rook for another week or so. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Ok, I understand the distraction story theory, but what are they using it to distract from/ not talk about? Buyden’s s-show is getting plenty of coverage from what I see- it’s not presented as EEEEVIL or STUUUUPID like if DJT was still POTUS, but the border is on every MSM front page. Are there major habbs I don’t know about?
Michigan just granted discovery for an election case, which means a court is about to definitively prove there was election fraud.
Hunter's laptop was confirmed to be his.
Biden is prepping to stack the Supreme Court, just like Trump said.
Biden is going for the guns, just like Trump said.
The border is well on its way to being a humanitarian crisis the likes of which have never been seen on American soil. Child abuse, human trafficking, rape, drugs, watchlist terrorist entry, not testing for covid...
Biden's DHS Secretary has decided to finish building the wall.
Maricopa County congress is so furious right now over the election committee giving them the rope-a-dope they are about to come to blows.
J&J vaccines are being shut down because nearly all of the people getting them are getting serious reactions.
The Ever Given looks very close to getting scuttled and the containers gone through (if they haven't already). Also the Chair of the Suez Canal board just died suddenly.
Tons of shootings/stabbings/ramming involving black/Syrian on asian/white/hispanic/middleeastern violent crimes that are too public to ignore.
Russian subs are missing/off tracker
Biden is just handing billions of dollars worth of oil to Syria
Biden is bending over backwards for Iran to rail us with a U1 fuel rod.
Canadians are challenging their government on common/civil law.
George Floyd case is about to resolve, with a likely not-guilty decision because the prosecution over-charged Chauvin.
GME stock is teetering on going to the moon at the drop of a hat.
A hell of a lot is about to blow up.
A royalty funeral story is no where near enough, but all they have right now to distract us from this mess of corruption and outrage coming up in the next week.
You really think the same people that propped up RGB for over a year would do the same thing for that guy?!