Prince Phillip is the Distraction Story. Ammo loaded, ammo spent. They've become PREDICTABLE. It will barely buy them a week. "Look here, not there!" - Ministry of Truth.
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

I can buy it, but no one’s articulating what this is distracting from that isn’t getting news already.
All this stuff is getting attention, but nothing is "happening."
No one is doing anything about it.
It's all talk right now, but in a week a lot of these stories like the border and Hunter's laptop, are gonna explode and action will be demanded.
They need to shift the narrative, and this is one of many pawns they have prepped to draw attention.
The death and funeral seem on course to line up with all these revelations coming to a head.