Now reading "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper. Check that incredible paragraph on the right page. Also note that Q is mentioned on the left page.
Cabal History Theory

Yeah, if you buy a copy on Amazon the chapter including the Protocols Of The Learned elders of Zion is not included. (I bought the Amazon copy, read through it, then had to go to the website to get the chapter that was omitted.)
For anyone interested in reading a PDF with all chapters can be found here: https://archive.org/details/BeholdAPaleHorse_201807/behold_a_pale_horse_split_1/page/n5/mode/2up
Thank you for this! I have been trying to find an unrevised copy to read.
This one only has 415 pages. The one I downloaded has 500 pages.
There is a part 2 on the bottom. Part 1 has 415 pages and Part 2 has 85 pages so should be the same content as the one you are referring to. All I know for certain is some editions on Amazon exclude the protocols chapter and some smaller content that I can't remember exactly what it was.