Images: Marxist BLM Co-Founder Buys 1.4M Mansion In Predominantly White Neighborhood
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lots of wood....would burn really nice
That's pathetic!
For $600,000 she could have bought 2 X as much house, much nicer built, near Houston, Texas.
If she spent $1.4 Million in Texas on a house... she would KNOW the true meaning of the word 'mansion'. It would actually look like one.
She’s just a puppet used by her masters.. when they are done with her, convenient “disaster capitalism” will befall the canyon, and pretender Biden will give Newsome disaster aid for the typical 3x a year fires… which by the way, never existed back when I lived there in the ’90s… all part of the big elite planning… like hubby always says, “you can’t fix stupid.” If blacks continue to support garbage people and garbage policies, and garbage groups who are corrupt bloodsucking parasites, willing to sell their own family members to get ahead… then they get what they deserve… which correct me if I am wrong.. seems to be nothing.. nothing is being provided by the BLM movement to the blacks, or the causes… nothing….Wake up…
He knows he's an asswipe. Soros would not let him wear kneepads for him in a bad neighborhood