A leftist who makes videos that make fun of my Q videos, challenged me to a debate this Sunday on whether there is evidence that Trump will come back, or that Q is real, or that a storm is coming etc.. what cold hard facts should I show them that they can't refute?
For example I am going to ask them to show the livestream to the white house and explain why the snipers that are supposed to be on the white house roof 24/7 have disappeared since Biden was inaugurated.
Don't try to change minds and just stick to the facts. Take notes on "Ultimate Q Proofs Vol. 1" on Rumble.
Do not get defensive. If you are on defense, you are losing.
Of course, Dale Carnegie says there are no winners in arguments, so be prepared to not be satisfied with the end.
When accused of something, ask for evidence.
Refrain from emotion.