posted ago by TheHumanPrimer ago by TheHumanPrimer +49 / -1

Thanks for "Wins of The Day"

I have no time nor desire for all the speculation, opinions, crude, rude, hateful posts clogging up and now invading the GA space. We don't need to hear how you hate. We don't need to know ancillary BS unrelated to anything remotely serious. We don't need you opinions on every thing that happens in the world.

Equally important, for most of us, we can't wake up anymore. We are already there. We don't need more information telling us the burner is hot. We know it's hot. You can tell us 10,000 more times how Pelosi is a wake job. It changes nothing. We know.

I wish, folks here in GA would refrain from posting soooo much stuff. Back in the day, the board simply highlighted the progress being made, by whom, what and where. Much of this was "Future proves the Past" happenings. Granted Q isn't posting but what was posted focused on some very serious and even dangerous events to watch for. They are here. Indeed they are extremely serious subjects. Hardly the casual joke material at a party.

I ask, frequent posters, consider holding back a bit and only post well thought out post that infrom.

I'm ranting aren't I?