If anyone knows who the woman speaking is, please post. If this is only partially true, it's sweet news.
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Sounds just like the lady that is part of that world bank, gesara, gold thing that had a stroke.
Are you referring to the "most important person in the world"?
Not sure. I just remember seeing videos of her a while back.
Black hair, spoke english like she was american, but she might have been from somewhere else. Old lady, maybe in her late 60's early 70's.
Might have been partially Asian and white, not sure. Its been a while.
In hindsight, I think at least I am thinking of a different person. Also I doubt this is "The most important person in the world" speaking, who knows. Didn't listen to much of the linked audio. Cant remember her name, but anyone labeled with such a title has to be fake IMO.