This happened to me at my bank in the deep red south, believe it or not. When things opened up for the first time after the shut down, I went inside and was greeted by a woman who told me I had to sign in (to stand in line to talk to someone!!). There were like 3 people in there. I was confused and started writing my name, and then they wanted address, phone, email, etc. I stopped and said what is this for, exactly? She said “it’s for Covid contact tracing. It’s a requirement.” I said “no thanks, I don’t want to be traced.” And scratched out my name and left. Pretty pissed off, I might add, that I can’t talk to anyone in the bank that holds my cash without being added to some tracking list. A lot of brain dead sheep around these parts sadly.
This happened to me at my bank in the deep red south, believe it or not. When things opened up for the first time after the shut down, I went inside and was greeted by a woman who told me I had to sign in (to stand in line to talk to someone!!). There were like 3 people in there. I was confused and started writing my name, and then they wanted address, phone, email, etc. I stopped and said what is this for, exactly? She said “it’s for Covid contact tracing. It’s a requirement.” I said “no thanks, I don’t want to be traced.” And scratched out my name and left. Pretty pissed off, I might add, that I can’t talk to anyone in the bank that holds my cash without being added to some tracking list. A lot of brain dead sheep around these parts sadly.