I don't believe the VAERS reports of adverse reactions. The people who report are a tiny fraction of those with reactions. Most don't even know how or where to report if they wanted to. https://vaers.hhs.gov/
I think we should push that URL to get a better number of people reporting. Me thinks the real number would be jaw dropping.
They've convinced people that serious adverse reactions are the norm. I know two people with reactions 1) moderna - heavy bleeding and bruising 2) j&j - fever shakes headache. Neither reported until i convinced them.. Interestingly VAMS called them and they reported the reactions to VAMS under assumption that it would be added to VAERS. It wasn't, we checked.
Recently in the UK someone started noticing heavy menses, disrupted schedules and the more women were alerted the more they suddenly noticed. I don't know that they had Moderna though.
Astra, pfizer, and moderna are now all available in UK
Wife's aunt (80+) has had the AZ one, some flu like symptoms after vax 1, tiredness after 2, but nothing else so far to report. Shes been getting unsteady on her balance for a while now, even before covidland came, so we do keep an eye on her.
My Wife has only just been offered it but is in two minds on it now. The private sector push to adopt it is the problem point at present. I personally couldnt care about the pub, but not being able to go anywhere abroad is going to be a real frustration....
Does anyone believe the numbers from the CDC on how many people have been vaccinated?
I don't.
I don't believe the VAERS reports of adverse reactions. The people who report are a tiny fraction of those with reactions. Most don't even know how or where to report if they wanted to. https://vaers.hhs.gov/
I think we should push that URL to get a better number of people reporting. Me thinks the real number would be jaw dropping.
They've convinced people that serious adverse reactions are the norm. I know two people with reactions 1) moderna - heavy bleeding and bruising 2) j&j - fever shakes headache. Neither reported until i convinced them.. Interestingly VAMS called them and they reported the reactions to VAMS under assumption that it would be added to VAERS. It wasn't, we checked.
Recently in the UK someone started noticing heavy menses, disrupted schedules and the more women were alerted the more they suddenly noticed. I don't know that they had Moderna though.
Astra, pfizer, and moderna are now all available in UK
Wife's aunt (80+) has had the AZ one, some flu like symptoms after vax 1, tiredness after 2, but nothing else so far to report. Shes been getting unsteady on her balance for a while now, even before covidland came, so we do keep an eye on her.
My Wife has only just been offered it but is in two minds on it now. The private sector push to adopt it is the problem point at present. I personally couldnt care about the pub, but not being able to go anywhere abroad is going to be a real frustration....
I am actually really terrified of this because (sorry for tmi) my last period came with the worst cramps I’ve ever had.
And I have not taken the vaccine. I did test positive for covid though.