LMFAO relax Francis, it was a joke, hence, why I started my sentence with “but.” If you’re that easily offended you need to seek professional help. And please, whatever you do - because I sense some anger issues - don’t shoot up you local post office or god forbid the lab you work in. There’s no fucking way I’m reading that novel you wrote... so sadly, much of your anger is for naught. Cheers fren, upwards and onwards... and maybe be a tad bit less judgmental in the future before you sanctimoniously jump down people’s throats.
LMFAO relax Francis, it was a joke, hence, why I started my sentence with “but.” If you’re that easily offended you need to seek professional help. And please, whatever you do - because I sense some anger issues - don’t shoot up you local post office or god forbid the lab you work in. There’s no fucking way I’m reading that novel you wrote... so sadly, much of your anger is for naught. Cheers fren, upwards and onwards... and maybe be a tad bit less judgmental in the future before you sanctimoniously jump down people’s throats.