Astra Zenca is popular for all the deaths it has caused in Europe. Probably not that common in the US.
In Canada, our 'genius' PM made a deal with a Chinese company for the development of the vaccine but they flaked and hung Canada out to dry (it seemed like we got lucky, but the story goes on). All the while, PM turds was claiming he had other vaccine companies as sources as well (he didn't). However, no worries, PM Turdeau still loves the CCP, probably from all the kickbacks they give him. If any of the vaccines out there were actually effective and safe, I might think him dropping the ball in this case would be a bad thing.
However, PM Turds did eventually come up with a back-up plan. He was able to steal vaccine allotments that were scheduled for the 3rd world. He is really progressive (and by that, I mean he tries to be evil). If that vaccine was safe and effective, this would be a really bad thing to do. As it stands, he just has an opportunity to give a useless vaccine to Canadians, which will unnecessarily hurt a percentage of them. Astra Zenca is not mRNA but it's also not a straightforward technology either and has some similarities to mRNA.
The name change is funny and grim at the same time. The vaccine has had so many issues, they decided to cover it up with a name change (as opposed to re-calling it and fixing it, if it can even be fixed). It might allow them to split the adverse reaction reporting between the 2 names making it look like there are less issues but if the people running these databases are smart (probably are not, it's government after all and don't count on the media to ever report it accurately), they would make sure to combine both sets of data into 1 as it is the exact same vaccine in all cases.
Astra Zenca is popular for all the deaths it has caused in Europe. Probably not that common in the US.
In Canada, our 'genius' PM made a deal with a Chinese company for the development of the vaccine but they flaked and hung Canada out to dry (it seemed like we got lucky, but the story goes on). All the while, PM turds was claiming he had other vaccine companies as sources as well (he didn't). However, no worries, PM Turdeau still loves the CCP, probably from all the kickbacks they give him. If any of the vaccines out there were actually effective and safe, I might think him dropping the ball in this case would be a bad thing.
However, PM Turds did eventually come up with a back-up plan. He was able to steal vaccine allotments that were scheduled for the 3rd world. He is really progressive (and by that, I mean he tries to be evil). If that vaccine was safe and effective, this would be a really bad thing to do. As it stands, he just has an opportunity to give a useless vaccine to Canadians, which will unnecessarily hurt a percentage of them. Astra Zenca is not mRNA but it's also not a straightforward technology either and has some similarities to mRNA.
The name change is funny and grim at the same time. The vaccine has had so many issues, they decided to cover it up with a name change (as opposed to re-calling it and fixing it, if it can even be fixed). It might allow them to split the adverse reaction reporting between the 2 names making it look like there are less issues but if the people running these databases are smart (probably are not, it's government after all and don't count on the media to ever report it accurately), they would make sure to combine both sets of data into 1 as it is the exact same vaccine in all cases.