In Victoria, Australia, the face masks were pushed and enforced by the Govt (essentially a Marxist/Democrat-style/CCP-loving govt), but of course, there were many "legal" exemptions, namely medically exempt conditions, including Asthma, Emphysema, Epilepsy, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic disorders, Breathing difficulties, etc.
Moreover, legally, thanks to dumb 'progressive' laws, people are not actually allowed to ask what condition you have or demand your medical condition details, due to privacy and disability discrimination legislation. (I say dumb laws, because the intent is to advance PC culture, even tho in this case, it backfires on them).
Now, I can tell you, just SEEING the dumb masks on people, knowing how bad they are medically, psychologically, spiritually and in terms of the psyop agenda behind them, makes me VERY Anxious. Let alone wearing one. Make me wear one, and my anxiety level goes straight up! (Nothing I cannot handle, but just stating facts.)
So when required to wear one in an establishment, my go to response? "I have a condition". Normally, no inquiry goes further, but if it does, "Legally, you're not supposed to inquire WHAT condition I have". Did I mention that you don't NEED a Doctors cert or medical cert to state that you cannot wear a mask? Yes.
But here's the thing. When it all boils down - and how we can know that this is a MASSIVE psyop on our populations - ultimately, you have to wear the masks because they tell you you have to wear the masks, unless you don't have to wear the masks, and then you don't have to wear a mask.
Legally, there's no real basis for this Mask crap, at least no in Australia. It's all about just getting people to go along with the demands they are making, because they can. Because the Establishment, Media, govt aholes, etc, demand it.
It's a ruse, and the ONLY way to become controlled by the ruse is to ACCEPT control by the ruse. OUR acceptance is the condition that justifies the demands.
"You accepted what we tell you to do, therefore we have the right to tell you what to do!" is the underlying premise.
Think about it. They cannot get away with this unless we CHOOSE to accept it. And that's WHY they need sheep, and plenty of them. Wolves and lions, they really don't like.
Be the Lion. Be the wolf. And protect the sheep by showing the way.
In Victoria, Australia, the face masks were pushed and enforced by the Govt (essentially a Marxist/Democrat-style/CCP-loving govt), but of course, there were many "legal" exemptions, namely medically exempt conditions, including Asthma, Emphysema, Epilepsy, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic disorders, Breathing difficulties, etc.
Moreover, legally, thanks to dumb 'progressive' laws, people are not actually allowed to ask what condition you have or demand your medical condition details, due to privacy and disability discrimination legislation. (I say dumb laws, because the intent is to advance PC culture, even tho in this case, it backfires on them).
Now, I can tell you, just SEEING the dumb masks on people, knowing how bad they are medically, psychologically, spiritually and in terms of the psyop agenda behind them, makes me VERY Anxious. Let alone wearing one. Make me wear one, and my anxiety level goes straight up! (Nothing I cannot handle, but just stating facts.)
So when required to wear one in an establishment, my go to response? "I have a condition". Normally, no inquiry goes further, but if it does, "Legally, you're not supposed to inquire WHAT condition I have". Did I mention that you don't NEED a Doctors cert or medical cert to state that you cannot wear a mask? Yes.
But here's the thing. When it all boils down - and how we can know that this is a MASSIVE psyop on our populations - ultimately, you have to wear the masks because they tell you you have to wear the masks, unless you don't have to wear the masks, and then you don't have to wear a mask.
Legally, there's no real basis for this Mask crap, at least no in Australia. It's all about just getting people to go along with the demands they are making, because they can. Because the Establishment, Media, govt aholes, etc, demand it.
It's a ruse, and the ONLY way to become controlled by the ruse is to ACCEPT control by the ruse. OUR acceptance is the condition that justifies the demands.
"You accepted what we tell you to do, therefore we have the right to tell you what to do!" is the underlying premise.
Think about it. They cannot get away with this unless we CHOOSE to accept it. And that's WHY they need sheep, and plenty of them. Wolves and lions, they really don't like.
Be the Lion. Be the wolf. And protect the sheep by showing the way.
Just saying.
Link Aussie / Victorian data sheet on how and why NOT to wear a mask
Apparently ... the vaccine is about to kill the sheep ... "the end won't be for everyone."