I do not believe that was the OP question though. Where this becomes nuanced is that a virus will likely need to modify itself because of a "vaccinated" population. There is no correlative data at this moment that suggest this new treatment stops the acquisition or transmission of the virus. Hence it will likely evolve to become more virulent in "vaccinated" host in order to for them to be symptomatic and increase transmission for the virus to proliferate. The amount of variants has exploded sense this vaccination campaign has launched.
And I agree that the vaccinated population will likely react differently than unvaccinated when challenged in the future
by similar corona viruses. Just as have all the animal test subjects in prior attempts to create vaccines to the common cold
(corona viruses). Even when the viruses are** less virulent **the vaccinated test subjects often had severely negative reactions to subsequent challenges.
Thus vaccine potentiated reaction rather than attenuating reaction as in most vaccines. Remember Fauci paid for
Gain of Function research at Wuhan. Appears they may have succeeded.
I do not believe that was the OP question though. Where this becomes nuanced is that a virus will likely need to modify itself because of a "vaccinated" population. There is no correlative data at this moment that suggest this new treatment stops the acquisition or transmission of the virus. Hence it will likely evolve to become more virulent in "vaccinated" host in order to for them to be symptomatic and increase transmission for the virus to proliferate. The amount of variants has exploded sense this vaccination campaign has launched.
Reports of variants have exploded. Fear Porn?
And I agree that the vaccinated population will likely react differently than unvaccinated when challenged in the future by similar corona viruses. Just as have all the animal test subjects in prior attempts to create vaccines to the common cold (corona viruses). Even when the viruses are** less virulent **the vaccinated test subjects often had severely negative reactions to subsequent challenges.
Thus vaccine potentiated reaction rather than attenuating reaction as in most vaccines. Remember Fauci paid for Gain of Function research at Wuhan. Appears they may have succeeded.