“Now, the masonic sect produces fruits that are pernicious and of the bitterest savor. For, from what We have above most clearly shown, that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view – namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.”
– Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus (1884), No. 10.
Most of our readers are aware of what constitutes Freemasonry. Nonetheless, a quick refresher may be helpful. Freemasonry is a pseudo-religious/philosophical ideology that operates in secrecy. Since 1738, no less than eight popes have condemned it. Joining a masonic sect comes with the penalty of automatic excommunication.[1]
The term ‘Masonry’ can refer to specific secret societies that call themselves Freemasons, or to groups that operate under similar principles and associate in some manner with masonic enterprises. As it is designed to be secretive, it is difficult to pin down which groups truly are affiliated, or the specific beliefs of each masonic sect. Over time, certain secrets have been released, either by defecting members or by those within who intentionally wished to divulge information.
Freemasonry allows belief in a ‘Supreme Being’ but seeks to eradicate all dogma. It wholly rejects the reality of grace, of the sacraments, and of the miraculous. Salvation does not come from Jesus Christ and His Cross, but from men working on a purely natural level. They reject Christ as King and hence seek to destroy all monarchies and all hierarchy. The secular State must reign supreme. Freemasonry proclaims a universal brotherhood of men by insisting upon ‘equality and liberty for all.’ It seeks to replace the worship of God by exalting the cult of man.
Freemasonry seeks to establish a one-world government with a one-world religion, where they have control over all the earth’s resources and have power over all men. In order to achieve this objective, Freemasonry knows it must destroy the primary obstacle preventing this – the Catholic Church, which is the one true universal society that is capable of granting all men true freedom, fraternal charity, global peace, and salvation.
Masonic groups have done much to influence all society. For example, they have been at the foundation of the major revolutions in France, Mexico, the Americas, Italy and Russia. It is a little known fact that through the influence of French Academia in Russia throughout the 1800’s, freemasonic ideals and organizations became widespread in that land. Communist organizations, like the Bolsheviks, not only held masonic ideals and operating principles, but were even funded by Freemasons.
In essence, freemasonry is an ‘anti-religion’ which facilitates an ‘anti-church.’ It is a demonically-inspired organization with ultimate allegiance to Satan himself. Saint Maximillian Kolbe recognized this at Saint Peter’s Square in 1917. He witnessed a group of Freemasons celebrating their bicentennial and proclaiming: “Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave” (read details here). As the pope is Christ’s Vicar, diabolic freemasonry seeks to usurp that authority.
Read further in the link at the top of this comment.
Freemasonry Unleashed: The Global Compact on Education - https://fatima.org/news-views/freemasonry-unleashed-the-global-compact-on-education/
Read further in the link at the top of this comment.