Christ warned us to be vigilant and keep watch, it's no mistake we are here seeing the evil in this world and we stand United.
I believe this world was part of the rebellion in heaven, when so many of God's angels accepted Lucifer's lies and deceit. They then took part of the rebellion and were cast onto this Earth.
We look around now and see that most people have dropped their guard as to the nature of evil that rules us and understandably want to carry on with their lives.
Whereas we see the evil and rise against it, we can clearly see the plan of the wicked with these vaccines and we know it has the enemies hands written all over it.
Most people don't think like us, not saying that that is bad, as they are peaceful and loving people that want to carry on with their lives.
But they have took poison that will have consequences to their health in future years WITHOUT ANY due diligence. They're not to blame but I believe there is a lesson to be learnt here.
Most of these people no doubtably believe in evolution and fail to realise that in times of deceit it is the suspicious that survive.
In regards to the warnings given to us by Christ, these people would of easily have taken the mark of the beast and joined the rebellion and been condemned to hell.
If they are to go back to heaven, which I hope they do, they need to learn how to discern Truth and notice the attacks of the enemy and accept the loving protection of God.
I see this period as a testing period and I try to see what God's will is in strange times and I think he has delivered his blind sheep from making the worse mistake possible and taking the mark of the beast.
I pray that they can be more vigilant as time goes on and I pray that the health consequences and suffering they might get from this 'vaccine' be alleviated by the prayer and love of Jesus Christ.
No sir, but consider adding a little CBD to your mix to get you closer to the medical 1:1 ratio. It’s a way better experience with quality materials..