I normally avoid mainstream media like the proverbial plague, but I like 'Hard Bastard' and his sardonic deconstruction of MSM shit, so I gave this a go.
Oh my God. Not one single sentence either of these two viragoes exchanges does not contain the grossest, most bare-naked emotional manipulation, fearmongering, and outright indoctrination LIES.
I may light-heartedly post on here that the vaccinated deserve what's coming to them etc, but in reality I do reserve humanity for them in my true conscience and hope as many as possible escape their potential fate.
But for these EVIL SICK SOULLESS BASTARDS in the MSM, and I really mean this, they truly deserve public execution in the most painful, protracted, degrading way possible. How the fuck can people have children, look them in the eye each day, and then still go and commit these crimes against humanity for their day jobs?
Early History of the National Educational Association
The NEA had its early beginnings in 1857 when 43 teachers met in Philadelphia. They chose the name National Teacher's Association. By 1870, three groups merged to form the National Educational Association. They were the National Teacher's Association, the Association of School Superintendents, and the American Normal School Association. The NEA was incorporated under a federal charter as tax-exempt in 1906. The NEA did little until 1919 when it moved its headquarters to Washington, D.C. In the capital the NEA could lobby for its goals and could also work WITH the Federal Government.
After World War I, American Freemasonry began lobbying the Federal government for federally funded public schools. Mackeys' Encyclopedia of Freemasonry outlines the story: "The Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in 1920 openly declared itself in favor of the creation of a Department of Education with a Secretary in the President's cabinet..." Mackey further informs us that the Scottish Rite was responsible for 'the passage of what was then known as the Smith-Tower Educational Bill embodying the principle of Federal Aid to the Public Schools in order to provide funds for the equalization of educational opportunities to the children of the nation. The Brethren declared their belief in the compulsory attendance of all children upon the Public Schools..." (Public Schools").
In this article, Mackey reminds the Brotherhood that when compulsory education becomes a reality, Masons are to encourage parents to make the schools so efficient "that their superiority over all other schools [meaning Church related schools] shall be so obvious that every parent will have to send his children to them..." ("Public Schools").
In the 1920s, 33rd degree Mason Earl Warren was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California. He had not yet received his appointment as Chief Justice to the Supreme Court. In his 1936 annual message to the Brethren in California, he said:
"...the education of our youth can best be done, indeed it can only be done, by a system of free public education. It is for this reason that the Grand Lodge of California, ever striving as it does TO REPLACE darkness with light, is so vitally interested in the public schools of our state. By DESTROYING PREJUDICE, [meaning Christianity] and planting REASON in its place it prepares the foundation of a liberty-loving people for free government..." (Fisher, p. 176).