484 pompeo (twitter.com) NCSWIC posted 3 years ago by LIBERTYanon (context) 3 years ago by LIBERTYanon +486 / -2 128 comments share 128 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Right, who’s the Mercer family?
Wow, thank you for sharing! I wasn’t familiar with them, I’ll keep an eye out for them going forward. ?
The Mercers are pretty stealthy but they have helped fund a lot of the good guys. I think they own Parler now.
Anyone at Renaissance including Mercer is basically a math wizard and has a IQ of 900.
Renaissance's fund net return year over year (they basically started quantitative investment on wall street), The company is very secretive but intelligent: https://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2010/12/31/saupload_best_hedge_fund_jim_simons_medallion.png
Great intro to the family. From 2017, but I’d not heard of them.
Isn't it strange how we don't know all the major donors/players in our political arena?