For the last few days/weeks I've noticed a definitive decline in original posts and in comments.
Is it because too many have been banned for questioning the plan or have too many people moved off the platform and gone to Telegram?
I do know that I stopped posting like I used to because someone was turning me into the moderators - accusing me of dooming.
At that point I decided I will read the posts and when appropriate I will very carefully comment.
Be that as it may, compared to the amount of posts and comments from 3 months ago, GAW has lost a lost of content, which is sad.
I love reading what others think/feel but I am afraid too many they feel as I do; afraid to share their honest opinions for fear of being banned or blocked.
Hence, what used to take me a couple of hours to read now takes less than 30 minutes.
Truly a shame
and TPW IS TDW on Steriods!
Yes there’s been quite a change to the great awakening as of late.