60 Minutes keeps digging a deeper hole, refusing to apologize or correct the DeSantis story, but instead oddly saying on air “some viewers, including a retired newsman [Dan Rather?], applauded the story” https://www.foxnews.com/media/60-minutes-shoddy-desantis-apologize-correct
CNN caught printing a knowingly false story about Gaetz requesting a meeting with Trump, fails to retract it while acknowledging it was an “honest mistake” https://thenationalpulse.com/news/cnn-faked-a-story-about-matt-gaetz-but-still-wont-remove-it/
Antifa stages “White Lives Matter” rallies in order to start a bunch of televised fights, but hardly anyone shows up except Antifa, and yet NBC somehow concludes that the LACK of White Supremacist attendees portends more danger than ever https://thepostmillennial.com/nbc-white-lives-matter-protests
Rasmussen poll says only 33% of likely voters trust the political news https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/unreliable-sources-media-biased-for-biden-voters-assert-in-survey/
Michigan’s Gov. Whitmer says criticism of her is due to misogyny, somehow ignoring Kristi Noem’s popularity https://www.dailywire.com/news/gov-whitmer-claims-layer-of-misogyny-behind-threats-criticisms-against-her
South Carolina bill would require teaching of US founding documents in school https://disrn.com/news/south-carolina-bill-would-require-colleges-and-universities-to-teach-americas-founding-documents
Ecuador rejects socialism and elects conservative president https://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2021/04/12/ecuador-elects-conservative-president-saying-never-again-socialist-past/
New Hampshire law orders an audit of NH county where machine counts had shorted GOP candidates by 13.6% across the board when compared to hand recount https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/breaking-new-hampshire-governor-signs-sb-43-law-mandates-audit-windhams-fraudulent-2020-election-results/
Durham subpoenas the Brookings Institution regarding probe into Russia hoax origins https://archive.ph/XzPOy
You can’t make this up … Biden is withholding $150 million in aid from Ukraine, the same extortion move he made when Hunter was in trouble, this time alleging he needs to see reforms … which is exactly what they tried to impeach Trump for doing https://www.oann.com/report-biden-withholds-150m-of-ukraine-aid-amid-tensions/
More on that unhinged California teacher who yelled at students over white privilege … and read how the students speak out about her https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-students-speak-teacher-caught-berating-leaked-zoom
See you tomorrow.
#5, Whitmer you are u/#trumpwrong
#8, Has me here, for now . (Jesus is the only one who has me there any time He wants....)
The Whore of Babylon is trying to gain sympathy. As a woman I can’t stand her.
On the same page - as a fellow female