In 2013/2014 was er een grote mazelenepidemie, voornamelijk onder niet gevaccineerde, orthodox-protestante schoolkinderen. Tijdens deze epidemie werden 2700 patiënten met mazelen gemeld. Hiervan werden er ruim 180 patiënten in het ziekenhuis opgenomen en stierf één 17-jarige aan de ziekte.
In the very first sentence it said there was a measles epidemic in primarily unvaccinated Orthodox-Protestant schoolkids. It doesn't happen in other regions in Holland because we were all vaccinated.
So the author hates Protestants? ? WHY would any “investigation” make a correlation to a religious sect? Flags should go up. I personally love the Netherlands, have been there 5 times. Travelled throughout. However, it sounds like more than a measles problem.
If you think I'm Chinese, try to read this or put it in a translator:
In 2013/2014 was er een grote mazelenepidemie, voornamelijk onder niet gevaccineerde, orthodox-protestante schoolkinderen. Tijdens deze epidemie werden 2700 patiënten met mazelen gemeld. Hiervan werden er ruim 180 patiënten in het ziekenhuis opgenomen en stierf één 17-jarige aan de ziekte.
In the very first sentence it said there was a measles epidemic in primarily unvaccinated Orthodox-Protestant schoolkids. It doesn't happen in other regions in Holland because we were all vaccinated.
So the author hates Protestants? ? WHY would any “investigation” make a correlation to a religious sect? Flags should go up. I personally love the Netherlands, have been there 5 times. Travelled throughout. However, it sounds like more than a measles problem.