Fauci Perp Walk better be coming soon. People off the street might recognize him and handle it themselves.
The NWO/Buyden Ministry of Truth is gangbanging the airwaves with pro-vax propaganda around the clock. Different ads targeting grannies. little kids, and females. If it didn't piss me off so much it would be funny.
I'm taking the Georgia Guide Stone stuff more seriously every day. I think a lot of these woketards probably do too. Do they really believe that they and their ungendered children will be amongst the 500.000,000 that will be allowed to live?
Fauci Perp Walk better be coming soon. People off the street might recognize him and handle it themselves.
The NWO/Buyden Ministry of Truth is gangbanging the airwaves with pro-vax propaganda around the clock. Different ads targeting grannies. little kids, and females. If it didn't piss me off so much it would be funny.
I'm taking the Georgia Guide Stone stuff more seriously every day. I think a lot of these woketards probably do too. Do they really believe that they and their ungendered children will be amongst the 500.000,000 that will be allowed to live?