You disarmed yourself with your "peaceful demeanor" and allowed Stacy Abrams to run rough shod over you.
No, sir. You are severely wrong in that assessment. Georgian's are mad as hell about what our RINO governor and his accomplices did to aid and abet the stolen election. Celebrating a woman's loss of life is not how we win this war. And for the record, I have been plenty vocal to my state reps. They know where I stand.
With respect Ma'am. The results speak for what transpired. It took a lot more than a few bad apples. I bet many (across the nation) have yet to be exposed.
I should not admonish, but rather send my support and prayers. I have an elder sister and family living in Athens. Good luck.
No, sir. You are severely wrong in that assessment. Georgian's are mad as hell about what our RINO governor and his accomplices did to aid and abet the stolen election. Celebrating a woman's loss of life is not how we win this war. And for the record, I have been plenty vocal to my state reps. They know where I stand.
With respect Ma'am. The results speak for what transpired. It took a lot more than a few bad apples. I bet many (across the nation) have yet to be exposed.
I should not admonish, but rather send my support and prayers. I have an elder sister and family living in Athens. Good luck.
Well on that point we both agree. God speed, sir. My quarrel in not with fellow patriots.