By now you should have caught on to the fact that plan or not, the dollar is going away soon. Whether it's replaced by some other state currency or a world's currency, if you are stashing cash, put it with your toilet paper.
Now, I'm not here to shill for any particular gold and silver exchange. That you must figure out on your own. Nor am I going to discourage Cyrpto investing with the exception that one, you need electricity to access and use it and two, should the Pedos that be seize control of all networks and serves, there goes your way to barter with it. The more I watch events unfold, the more I feel that Crypto is a fool's gold. It's going "up" in value because the dollar is plummeting and it's gonna plummet faster with each new trillion dollar stimulus and infrastructure bullshit.
I'm not going to datefag or make some crazy stupid prediction. Things COULD turn around. The dollar COULD regain value and in that event oh no you have some silver or gold stored up. Personally for me my silver is my retirement plan.
Don't get caught with your pants down. Don't be that guy stuck in a FEMA camp regretting not having bought any tangible metals.
Shall we play a GAME?
Nothing can STOP what is coming.
Nice observation fren