Before you quote Q and say "Vaccines [Not all]", realize they also said "Think Mirror". They also have to put double-meanings to mislead their enemies. Not everything they post is intended to be literal.
J&J had to pay out billions for cancer-causing baby powder, so don't think they're the arbiter of health in any way shape or form. Regardless of whether a vaccine uses mRNA or not is irrelevant. These vaccines have the full intent of depopulation. The DS is panicking and they want us all gone. Those who took the vaccines are the first casualties of war.
However, I feel the calling for stopping J&J an act by the white-hats. It's just the first drip to the normies out there. Think about it. Only "6" complications? That's just what they're willing to admit to the news right now. Imagine what would happen when the dam breaks and the thousands of victim stories of the vaccine start making headway from all the other vaccines out there. How would the rest of the vaccinated population feel? This would cause a mass-panic.
Are you sure about that?
“WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.” July 9 2007: “Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher”
Feb 5, 2010: “Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic”
These side effects don't sound like a get out of jail free card to me. Steven Johnson syndrome? (Warning graphic)
Feb 9 2020: Efficacy of single shot reported at only 66%, “J&J CEO says people may need annual COVID-19 vaccine shots for next several years”
April 7 2021: “Women say they are having heavier and more painful PERIODS since getting their COVID-19 vaccines - as several claim it has also messed up their monthly cycle” “revealing their heavy flow, worsened cramps, and irregular timing — with one saying she spent 16 days bleeding after getting the Johnson & Johnson shot.”