I've been off these boards the last couple of days because my aunt, who was reclusive, destitute & a vet, passed away less than a week after her 2nd Covid shot. I had made proper arrangements to get her into a vet cemetery. Her health had been bad for the last few years, but an MD convinced her to take the vax. Being offline and uniformed, she took it. Her health quickly declined from there. The MD who talked her into taking the vax is not returning my calls.
Not sure if they’re real or not either and I’ve listened to many speak of them. Even some say it’s just a facility cuz all this crap is in the head.
Win Hof might be correct after all. We can fight this stuff with just our minds.
I like to think of med beds a cure for such a such a illness. We’ve been programmed since we were a baby to go to a trusted doctor or hospital. So instead we go to a med bed and they deprogram you from thinking that way. After 2 days you go home and say wow I got cured when in fact you cured yourself cuz you dealt with it yourself and stayed away from Rockefeller 1913 American Medicine Association medicine pushed by the Jesuits from Germany.
Simple explanation Med beds = elimination diet It’s magic. I haven’t used medical treatment since 1991. Don’t trust any of them. Although I might date one soon that’s a whole other story.