Korean government has always been shitty and corrupt. Remember when a president killed himself because the deep state was threatening to jail all of his relatives? One-by-one they captured his family until he suicided. The current president was elected by a Chinese voting machine that operates the same as Dominion. Koreans are conservative but they are not based and awake. Pretty much every Korean knows the government and K-Pop industry are insanely corrupt but they are too passive to do anything about it.
There's actually a lot wrong with Korean society but because K-pop romanticizes everything, foreigners don't have a clue. First of all, the school system is corrupt as shit. When my dad was in high school he was rank 1 and was supposed to get a full scholarship for an SKY university (basically Harvard). But some turd's rich parents bribed the principal to give it to their son instead. My dad couldn't fight back because he was POOR. He got so mad he fucked around, gave up on school, and moved to the US to start over. My family lived poor for decades but ended up ok. My brother grew up malnutritioned but is super high rank in the DOJ now, and super rich. I'm doing ok too, though I'm not rich yet. This is why I hate BLM. My family was literally screwed by corruption, oppression, and classism and we went from poverty to the 1% in <1 generation. Bribery is extremely common. Rich kids parents bribe teachers all the time for favorable treatment. My FOB friend told me about how her parents did it lol. And eveeeeeeeeeeery government official takes bribes. It's very normalized and they even portray it in K-dramas... but it goes over everyone's heads that it's real life lmao.
There is a lot of prostitution, adultery, and human trafficking in Korea. There's a video floating around about adrenochrome harvested from South Korean kids... Dozens of female celebrities committed suicide over being prostituted by their companies.
I've been trying to go to Korea for a while but now they're enforcing vaccine passports and no one's fighting back because they're too compliant. This is the thing I hate about Asian culture. We know our superiors are wrong but are forced to listen anyways. I can only hope Trump fixes Asia soon or I won't be going to Korea for a long time.
Korean government has always been shitty and corrupt. Remember when a president killed himself because the deep state was threatening to jail all of his relatives? One-by-one they captured his family until he suicided. The current president was elected by a Chinese voting machine that operates the same as Dominion. Koreans are conservative but they are not based and awake. Pretty much every Korean knows the government and K-Pop industry are insanely corrupt but they are too passive to do anything about it.
There's actually a lot wrong with Korean society but because K-pop romanticizes everything, foreigners don't have a clue. First of all, the school system is corrupt as shit. When my dad was in high school he was rank 1 and was supposed to get a full scholarship for an SKY university (basically Harvard). But some turd's rich parents bribed the principal to give it to their son instead. My dad couldn't fight back because he was POOR. He got so mad he fucked around, gave up on school, and moved to the US to start over. My family lived poor for decades but ended up ok. My brother grew up malnutritioned but is super high rank in the DOJ now, and super rich. I'm doing ok too, though I'm not rich yet. This is why I hate BLM. My family was literally screwed by corruption, oppression, and classism and we went from poverty to the 1% in <1 generation. Bribery is extremely common. Rich kids parents bribe teachers all the time for favorable treatment. My FOB friend told me about how her parents did it lol. And eveeeeeeeeeeery government official takes bribes. It's very normalized and they even portray it in K-dramas... but it goes over everyone's heads that it's real life lmao.
There is a lot of prostitution, adultery, and human trafficking in Korea. There's a video floating around about adrenochrome harvested from South Korean kids... Dozens of female celebrities committed suicide over being prostituted by their companies.
I've been trying to go to Korea for a while but now they're enforcing vaccine passports and no one's fighting back because they're too compliant. This is the thing I hate about Asian culture. We know our superiors are wrong but are forced to listen anyways. I can only hope Trump fixes Asia soon or I won't be going to Korea for a long time.
Thank you as well, sounds like this all blew up, but just went right back to business as usual. Feels bad man.
Thank you based Korean pede. Very informative and welcome perspective.