Im going to be part of the control group.
That is what Ill be telling my fully vaccinated liberal family when they finally come out of their 13 month hibernation, and I see them for dinner at my sister's house, tomorrow.
Here's what I wont be telling them:
CONTROL GROUP noun (in an experiment or clinical trial) a group of subjects closely resembling the treatment group in many demographic variables but not receiving the active medication or factor under study and thereby serving as a comparison group when treatment results are evaluated.
And if, by chance, one of them actually knows what control group means, I will demand their praise for being the bravest person in our family, by taking this risk for all of humanity.
You need to show up in a complete hazmat suit. Get the Tyvek coveralls with the hood and a full-face double cartridge respirator and wear to the family gathering. When asked why you tell them “it has been scientifically proven that individuals that has taken the jab has been transformed in to Super Speaders of a more advanced virus and you don’t want to be subject to the shedding of this super virus, thus the hazmat suit”.
Over the several months this will manifest itself to the world and the vaccinated will not be able to walk down the street/sidewalk without repercussions.