What the democrats mean when they say : "Believe in science" is "Believe in our understanding of what is true and what is not true".
I am an actual scientist and I am sceptical about anything and everything. Science is a method to find out what is true and what is not true, but I would never claim I "believe" in science.
I've had actual discussions with climate researchers about climate models (I work a lot with modeling and data science). It is incredibly weird to notice how they disregard whole fields of science. To them the sun is just a light. A constant input. Everyone with a little understanding of physics and electrodynamics knows this can not be the case. Charged particles play a huge role in cloud formation for instance, but none of the models include this...
"Follow those who seek truth, but do not trust those who claim to have found it".
Yes. This has been researched by a Danish institute a few years ago. Water vapor does not just condense into clouds, it needs something to condense on (more or less) and in the atmosphere this is particulate matter, but also charged particles that come from the sun or even from other sources in the universe.
The great irony is that of all climate models that we know of, only the Russian model (not included in the IPCC assessments) accurately models the current stop to warming, that has been going on for the last 15 years.
What the democrats mean when they say : "Believe in science" is "Believe in our understanding of what is true and what is not true".
I am an actual scientist and I am sceptical about anything and everything. Science is a method to find out what is true and what is not true, but I would never claim I "believe" in science.
I've had actual discussions with climate researchers about climate models (I work a lot with modeling and data science). It is incredibly weird to notice how they disregard whole fields of science. To them the sun is just a light. A constant input. Everyone with a little understanding of physics and electrodynamics knows this can not be the case. Charged particles play a huge role in cloud formation for instance, but none of the models include this...
"Follow those who seek truth, but do not trust those who claim to have found it".
Yes. This has been researched by a Danish institute a few years ago. Water vapor does not just condense into clouds, it needs something to condense on (more or less) and in the atmosphere this is particulate matter, but also charged particles that come from the sun or even from other sources in the universe.
Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/cosmic-rays-could-influence-cloud-cover-on-earth
The great irony is that of all climate models that we know of, only the Russian model (not included in the IPCC assessments) accurately models the current stop to warming, that has been going on for the last 15 years.
As far as I know, the original climate model does not include the athmosphere!
That and they ignore that the Sun's output is not constant to begin with.