The fate of the world hangs on a few events like this. We cannot underestimate the determination and resourcefulness of the Deep State. These people flew planes into the WTC and unleashed a pandemic on the world to get this far!
Comments (16)
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I would straight up be out there in a Ghillie suit and a team of overhead drones
I do like the idea of drones but I think an actual camera system would be cost effective. I feel like we need to hire security or something. If I had my way here's how every election would be carried out and the ballots cared for.
Yeah drones can't stay aerial long enough. I have had some ideas also. Like what if they sent some kind of coin that had an exact weight and a chip in it for each vote that could be archived with results written inside of it. You turn it in to vote and it gets put onto a livestream screen with the digital count that people could see on a live stream. A high precision scale measure the weight and count the vote so it can't be touched without setting it off or live stream would show a vote being subtracted. IDK hard to explain what I have imagined
I dunno. I like your idea and I see the need to update the way it's done digitally but the last 10 years of our society has made me so skeptical of tech oligopolies that I want to live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with no phone and only the occasional generator to do any electronic business. I'd much rather stick with the old paper ballots. I can see where people would be skeptical of the military guarding ballots though. I would alternate shifts and have rules that prevent groups of soldiers from guarding the same area multiple nights in a row. The vote is the oldest and only worthy social credit there is. We might as well guard them like a mini fort Knox. Though guards and walls never seemed to stop the globalists and bankers from taking out our gold reserves in the 1940's.
That may be a little overkill but awesome. I am just thinking for under 500 dollars you could put some okay cameras hidden in some strategic places that nobody knows about. That way if any funny Buisness happens we aren't relying on the government but can be like look this night you guys carried some boxes and crates in and took some out at 2 in the morning and have some evidence.
Agreed. I just think there could be a way that people have even more confidence than paper ballots you know?
This makes me wish I was in Arizona. To help set up cameras.
Well you can help by motivating surrogate patriots and any technical or strategic advice you possibly help. I figured sense I am not out there maybe I can inspire someone who is.
How about this. Why don't the based AZ pedes insist that camera systems and security is hired? Don't fully rely on them though. Load up the militias in the area with civilian clothes and drones. Let the militias loiter in the area and run regular drone scouting missions on the complex every I dunno 4 hours or something like that. Report any suspicious activity to Pro-Recount authorities and media.
Steve Bannon/warroom, has that Fincum guy on that is one of the AZ legislators who pushed for all of this. Anyway, he always gives his contact information out on every show that I've watched. You could shoot him a message about your concerns, I'm sure they've thought of this angle but you never know.
I live here. I don’t have any cameras, and I don’t have any money. If I did I would totally do it! I had questions like this all year long, when things like this were going on in other states. Why are people that they’re watching The buildings. Where are the ballots? How do you go about doing something like this
Especially since I just read in another post blm and antifa incoming. .
According to Azcentral the Senate is responsible for hiring security to monitor the site. The coliseum where the audit is being done is inside the state fairgrounds with tall fencing surrounding whole property. Entire process will be televised, hopefully that means cameras will be rolling at all times. I feel bad for the people who live on the streets right next to the fair grounds. At this point with as much $ it has cost to do this I don't think they'd skimp on security knowing whaat they're up against.
Start calling the legislature that are pushing for truth and make sure they have this covered.