George Floyd can't breathe AIR. AIR fresheners causing riots. The CNN guy on Veritas talked about how pollution would be next (AIR). It seems like the climate "crisis" is going to be big enough to have to be primed in our subconscious minds. A false climate flag would have to occur. Something is in the air. Multiple ELF volcano eruptions?
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Crap —bs fear mongering about it being dangerous OUTDOORS! Another fn reason to wear masks & stops backyard get togethers. I live to be outside even in the Winter. Jumping the shark with this push but if they push Global warming as I’ve heard they’re going to as a Global Catastrophe then your information fits. I do not like the sound of this because fricken normies will believe & as always I’ll be outside gathering hate.
This has me thinking of my original COVID theory. Think of those Asians seen on street cams passing out doing nothing. HIGH frequency 5G on steriods. Oxygen can be ripped apart in mid air at 60 or 90GHz (can't remember exact number). "They" can create triangulated pockets of energized air that you cannot breathe. Believe it or not I feared this (as a general idea) August 2019. I was in a life or death situation, or so I thought. In my rage, it popped into my head while waiting to hear from doctors. I envisioned the air being taken out of our bodies and placed blame immediately on TPTB and though how terrible it would be for everybody. It was a very bad feeling.
I was thinking of the Chinese too when I wrote that and how we’ve been seeing them with masks on for years due to pollution. I just saw a video of a mask that’s being promoted that is reusable (good for environment ?) filters our air through a jell filter, and has a sensor that hooks up to an app do YOU (not the government) can track usage, air content, blah, blah, blah.... give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.
If Bill Gates blocks out the would have an impact on plant life. Mask wearing and reduced movement does use less oxygen. Maybe there is something.
All joking aside, you know what to look for now.
Light up a match. Old hag is basically an alcohol and adc thermobaric bomb at this point
Joking aside.....
There are a lot of volcanoes erupting right now and apparently there is a huge cloud of ash heading for Africa which will have a significant impact. Remember when AOC said we only have 12 years before the climate blah blah blah. John Kerry also recently made reference to only having about 8 years before the climate goes to hell. That gets us to 2030.... Didn’t that nefarious f*cker Gates have event 2030 up his sleeve next?
1."I Can't Breathe" was pushed for a few years. Which was rubbish. 2. Then Greta and her climate shit, whom just so happened to fall out of favor 2-3 weeks before the Coronavirus scam hit. 3. Then Coronavirus came and at first it was all "muh glass lungs" and focused on people not breathing - which was rubbish. 4. Then George Floyd happened with "I can't breathe" which was rubbish and it was at the same time as people being forced to wear masks.
They will false flag until we're under their control or they destroy the surface of the planet. I don't think they care anymore.
[they]'re ALRWSDY fucking with our air, and have been since WWII. Back then, it was called "cloud seeding." Now, it's called "muh climate change." Climate change their chemtrials.
And gates wants to chalk the atmosphere ?
Maybe it's a meme used to enhance the respiratory effects of the coof. Psychosomatic symptoms are a thing. Also, could be something tied to the airwaves.