I've read the online discussions/"news" regarding death rate in the U.S. in 2020 vs 2019, so I decided to get the numbers myself, here they are:
Year Total Deaths in U.S.
2020 2,913,144
2019 2,854,838
2018 2,831,836
2017 2,813,503
2016 2,744,248
2015 2,712,630
There are slight differences in the totals in a given year, depending on who did the counting; CDC vs census?, but what stands out is the gradual increase in number of deaths each year, which should be expected as the population of the U.S. grows, but most significant is that the increase from 2019 to 2020 is only minimally above the year to year increase prior to covid. I've heard some people try to explain away this minimal increase by saying, "but fewer people were killed in traffic accidents since people weren't driving as much!". I just checked the traffic death numbers and they were higher in 2020 than in 2019! The more I look into the scamdemic, the madder I get! Sometimes I wish I was just an ignorant leftist drone :) (ignorance is bliss, right? :) )
I have tried to show these numbers to my wife (she's an RN) and it looks like her head is going to explode. She just can't believe that c0vid is an evil hoax
In the hospital she sees a concentration of sick people, and it starts to seem like everyone in the world is sick and dying. Hospital workers need to get out often, see more people who aren't sick, to keep a perspective on how bad things really are or aren't. All the lockdowns and throttles on aggregation allow the distorted view to grow. This is why they exist and open states are "doing better, " aside from any other considerations the freedom to see large groups of healthy people destroys the illusion.
Thats the thing, she doesn't work in the c0v areas, never seen them, doesn't know what conditions are like. Only hearsay. For the longest time, hosp populations non-c0v were very very low.
I suspect that all the chicken little hospitals collapsing stories are distorted for scare news purposes. For instance, ICUs are normally only a very small number of total hospital beds, so the are "overwhelmed" all the time. A mass shooting that sent ten people to ICU level care might well overwhelm several small hospitals that already were almost at capacity. And infectious diseases make everything worse as they need isolation. This is a data area that has been too anecdotal.