I've read the online discussions/"news" regarding death rate in the U.S. in 2020 vs 2019, so I decided to get the numbers myself, here they are:
Year Total Deaths in U.S.
2020 2,913,144
2019 2,854,838
2018 2,831,836
2017 2,813,503
2016 2,744,248
2015 2,712,630
There are slight differences in the totals in a given year, depending on who did the counting; CDC vs census?, but what stands out is the gradual increase in number of deaths each year, which should be expected as the population of the U.S. grows, but most significant is that the increase from 2019 to 2020 is only minimally above the year to year increase prior to covid. I've heard some people try to explain away this minimal increase by saying, "but fewer people were killed in traffic accidents since people weren't driving as much!". I just checked the traffic death numbers and they were higher in 2020 than in 2019! The more I look into the scamdemic, the madder I get! Sometimes I wish I was just an ignorant leftist drone :) (ignorance is bliss, right? :) )
right now when I google "2020 usa total death" first thing that comes up at the top is
In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths occurred in the United States (Table). The age-adjusted rate was 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population, an increase of 15.9% from 715.2 in 2019.6 days ago
cited from the cdc here
I keep seeing this 3.3M number thrown around too. It's bullshit, but I can't find the definitive 2020 numbers for the CDC. I'm also trying to find the shortages in flu, pneumonia, heart issues, cancer, etc that will make up for what they claimed was a COVID death. I've got friends now looking into this (they're waking up) and they can't seem to find 4th qtr numbers. Those should be out by now, but for some reason . . . obfuscation.