Famines were created by the cabal to destroy independence, corralling individuals for increased control.
The cabal created industry to revolutionize unnatural working conditions, dependency, and perpetual tyranny.
Tyranny breeds desperation. Irreverence spawned crime to promote the acceptance of persecution.
Wars deflected the anger of warriors away from the despots. Wars destroyed families. The Strong & the Brave perpetually culled.
Women never went back to being secure as simply wives/mothers. Wars destroyed homes/communities by damaging the foundation of family leadership.
Families without strong male leadership de-evolved into Godlessness.
Perpetual Wars have become ever morphing crimes against humanity, fear mongering, cloaked in secrecy, designing division, manufacturing plagues, seducing through addictions, shackling with excessive taxation, peddling mass propaganda while persecuting Believers; cumulatively crippling Nations, until Now!
Leadership is revealed. We are restoring the Laws of God. We must eradicate the Deception.
Let’s not forget:
Famines were created by the cabal to destroy independence, corralling individuals for increased control.
The cabal created industry to revolutionize unnatural working conditions, dependency, and perpetual tyranny.
Tyranny breeds desperation. Irreverence spawned crime to promote the acceptance of persecution.
Wars deflected the anger of warriors away from the despots. Wars destroyed families. The Strong & the Brave perpetually culled.
Women never went back to being secure as simply wives/mothers. Wars destroyed homes/communities by damaging the foundation of family leadership.
Families without strong male leadership de-evolved into Godlessness.
Perpetual Wars have become ever morphing crimes against humanity, fear mongering, cloaked in secrecy, designing division, manufacturing plagues, seducing through addictions, shackling with excessive taxation, peddling mass propaganda while persecuting Believers; cumulatively crippling Nations, until Now!
Leadership is revealed. We are restoring the Laws of God. We must eradicate the Deception.